Title | Lecturer | Year |
The Age of the Observable Universe | William Fowler | 1989 |
Estimating the Inestimable II | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
Estimating the Inestimable I | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
What Hopes for Progress: How Can We Realize Human Potential? | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
What Hopes for Plenty: Can We Abolish Poverty | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
What Hopes for Peace: Can We Abolish War? | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
What Hopes for a Better World | Kenneth Boulding | 1989 |
The Bajio: Mexico’s Earliest Colonial Frontier | Karl Butzer | 1989 |
Physical Theory, Brain Theory, Theories of Everything | Gerald Edelman | 1989 |
Morality, Law and Politics | Jürgen Habermas | 1988 |
The Concept of Practical Reason | Jürgen Habermas | 1988 |
Philosophy and the Fragments of Enlightenment | Bernard Williams | 1988 |
Direction of Time | Stephen Hawking | 1988 |
Black Holes, White Holes, and Worm Holes | Stephen Hawking | 1988 |
Origin of the Universe | Stephen Hawking | 1988 |
Identifying the Killers: Old World Diseases in 16th-Century Meso-America and the Caribbean | Woodrow Borah | 1988 |
The Morals of Trade | Philip Hawley | 1988 |
Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution | Robert R. Palmer | 1988 |
Paradoxes of Women’s Citizenship: Military Obligation The Case of the Fired Stenographer | Linda K. Kerber | 1988 |
The External Debt Problem: Not Only a Financial Question | Jes Herzog | 1987 |
Moral Conflict and Political Legitimacy | Thomas Nagel | 1987 |
Is Biology an Autonomous Science? | Ernst Mayr | 1987 |
Current Controversies in Evolutionary Biology | Ernst Mayr | 1987 |
The Transforming Gene of a Leukemia Virus | David Baltimore | 1987 |
Control of Antibody Gene Expression | David Baltimore | 1987 |
Geometry and Physics: The Future | Sir Michael F. Atiyah | 1987 |
Geometry and Physics: The Past | Sir Michael F. Atiyah | 1987 |
Enzymology to the Rescue of Medicine | Frank H. Westheimer | 1987 |
Are Our Universities Rotten at the ‘Core’? | Frank H. Westheimer | 1987 |
Christian Platonism | Henry Chadwick | 1987 |
International Banking and Domestic Politics: Perspectives on Debt and Development | Andrew Brimmer | 1986 |
The Justification of Logical Laws | Michael A. E. Dummett | 1986 |
Ecological Aspects of Disease in Human Populations | Robert M. May | 1986 |
When Two and Two Do Not Make Four: Nonlinear Problems in Ecology | Robert M. May | 1986 |
Toward Healthy Development in Childhood and Adolescence | David A. Hamburg | 1986 |
International Cooperation for Health in Developing Countries | David A. Hamburg | 1986 |
Avoiding Nuclear War: Crisis Prevention and U.S. – Soviet Relations | David A. Hamburg, | 1986 |
To Claim the High Ground: Geography For the End of the Century | David R. Stoddart | 1986 |
A Geographer Looks at the San Joaquin Valley | James J. Parsons | 1986 |
The Intellectual’s Role in the Modern World | Reinhard Bendix | 1986 |
Women and Democratic Citizenship: The Personal and the Political: Can Citizenship Be Democratic? | Carole Pateman | 1985 |
Women and Democratic Citizenship: Votes for Women and Citizenship | Carole Pateman | 1985 |
Women and Democratic Citizenship The Appeal to Reason: Early Feminism, the Individual and the Citizen | Carole Pateman | 1985 |
A Reconception of Philosophy | Nelson Goodman | 1985 |
Evolutionary Biotechnology | Manfred Eigen | 1985 |
Optimization in the Universe of Nucleic Acid Sequences | Manfred Eigen | 1985 |
Replication Kinetics and the Concept of Quasi-Species | Manfred Eigen | 1985 |
Medical Technology Assessment in the Nation: Present State and Future Needs | Frederick Mosteller | 1985 |
Contributions of Meta-Analysis to Statistics and Health | Frederick Mosteller | 1985 |
Frontiers of Health Assessment | Frederick Mosteller | 1985 |
Domesday Book and Domesday Geography | Clifford Darby | 1985 |
Half Empty or Half Full: Observations on Soviet Historiography | Nicholas V. Riasanovsky | 1985 |
How to Become Immortal without Really Trying: Taoism and the Nature of Ritual | Kristofer M. Schipper | 1985 |
Corporate Decision Making: An Economist’s View | Juanita M. Kreps | 1984 |
The Socratic Fallacy | Gregory Vlastos | 1984 |
Socrates’ Disavowal of Knowledge | Gregory Vlastos | 1984 |
Mythical Thought and Social Life | Claude Levi-Strauss | 1984 |
The Birth of Historical Societies | Claude Levi-Strauss | 1984 |
Non-Linear Optics and Spectroscopy | Nicolaas Bloembergen | 1984 |
Lasers in Science and Technology | Nicolaas Bloembergen | 1984 |
The Landscape as Overlapping Neighborhoods: Some Reflections on the Struggle for Existence | Torsten Hagerstrand | 1984 |
Ancient Near Eastern Concepts of Life after Death: A Background of the Judeo-Christian Tradition | Wilfred Lambert | 1984 |
Human Rights and Wrongs in the United States | Jeane J. Kirkpatrick | 1983 |
Relativism | Richard Rorty | 1983 |
Spectroscopic Studies in Astrochemistry | Gerhard Herzberg | 1983 |
Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure | Gerhard Herzberg | 1983 |
Chemical Bonds in Biology | Linus Pauling | 1983 |
The Development of the Concept of the Chemical Bond | Linus Pauling | 1983 |
My Life with Lincoln | Kenneth M. Stampp | 1983 |
The Immortality of the Soul Among North American Indians | Ake Hultkranz | 1983 |
Questions Arising from My Model and Others | Freeman J. Dyson | 1982 |
An Abstract Model for the Origin of Life | Freeman J. Dyson | 1982 |
Experimental and Theoretical Background | Freeman J. Dyson | 1982 |
Origins of Life | Freeman J. Dyson | 1982 |
The Tall Building Artistically Reconsidered: Beyond Function | Ada Louise Huxtable | 1982 |
The Tall Building Artistically Reconsidered: Beyond Style | Ada Louise Huxtable | 1982 |
Unique and Unusual Patterning of Behaviour as a Consequence of Isolation | Carleton Gajdusek | 1982 |
Genetic, Toxic, and Deficiency Diseases in High Incidence in Isolated Populations | Carleton Gajdusek | 1982 |
Infectious Diseases in Isolated Populations | Carleton Gajdusek | 1982 |
An Atlantic World: Perspectives on the Making of Colonial America | Donald Meinig | 1982 |
In Quest of National Interest: The Foreign Policy of the People’s Republic of China | Robert A. Scalapino | 1982 |
Former Lives, or the Man Who Met the People in His Dream | Wendy O'Flaherty | 1982 |
Business Morality Shareholder Proposals as Tools for Change? | Nicholas De B. Katzenbach | 1981 |
Freedom, Equality and Democracy: Political Equality and Economic Liberty | Robert A. Dahl | 1981 |
The Great Debate in Parliament over America, 1774-75 | Robert W. Tucker | 1981 |
Freedom, Equality and Democracy: The Idea of Political Equality | Robert A. Dahl | 1981 |
The Collapse of Imperial Authority | Robert W. Tucker | 1981 |
The Imperial-Colonial Status Quo | Robert W. Tucker | 1981 |
Origins of the American Revolution: The Imperial View | Robert W. Tucker | 1981 |
Out of Tutelage? Europe’s Changing Attitude to America | David I. Marquand | 1981 |
Why Reason Can’t Be Naturalized | Hilary Putnam | 1981 |
Why There Isn’t a Ready-Made World | Hilary Putnam | 1981 |
The Transcendence of Reason | Hilary Putnam | 1981 |
The Earth’s Rotation: Evidence from Paleontology, Astronomy and Geophysics | S. Keith Runcorn | 1981 |
The Primeval Moon: Magnetism and Polar Wandering | S. Keith Runcorn | 1981 |
A Modern Scientific Controversy: Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics | S. Keith Runcorn | 1981 |
Entropy, Structure and Fluctuations | Ilya Prigogine | 1981 |
Life in a Magnetic Field | Edward M. Purcell | 1981 |
A Physicist Looks, a Bacterium | Edward M. Purcell | 1981 |
Early Man in America | George F. Carter | 1981 |