The Making of an International Civil Society Akira Iriye2000
Perception, Imagination and Science Roger N. Shepard1999
The Grounds of Science and of Ethics Roger N. Shepard1999
How the Ears’ Works Work: Auditory Sensory Transduction A. James Hudspeth1999
Getting in Tune: Auditory Frequency Selectivity A. James Hudspeth1999
The Dappled World Nancy Cartwright1999
Invoking the Constitution Ineptly Abner J. Mikva1999
The American University: Dinosaur or Dynamo? Frank H. T. Rhodes1999
Composing Life after Death Jonathan Harvey1998
The Place of Consciousness Robert Nozick1998
Sex and Death on the Edge of Europe: Slavonian Demography 1683-1900 Eugene A. Hammel1998
‘To Civility and Man’s Use’: History, Geography, and Nature Ian G. Simmons1998
Environment, Population, Consumption, and Sustainable Development – The Great Challenges of Our Time Norman Myers1998
Tropical Forests: Their Future and Our Future Norman Myers1998
Science, a Round Peg in a Square World Harold Kroto1998
C60: Buckminsterfullerene, Not Just a Pretty Molecule Harold Kroto1998
Failed Visions and Unexpected Adaptations – Reflections on the Interaction of Society and Communications Technology Robert Lucky1998
How Will We Connect? – Rethinking the World’s Communications in the Age of the Internet Robert Lucky1998
Property and Expropriation: Themes and Variations in American Law Carol M. Rose1998
The Origins of American Democracy Gordon S. Wood1998
The Origins of American Freedom Eric Foner1998
Archaeology, Genetics and Linguistic Diversity: Towards a New Synthesis Colin Renfrew1997
The Sapiens Paradox, Or Why Did People Get Smart So Late? Colin Renfrew1997
Chicken Little Was Right: The Sky Is Falling Eugene Shoemaker1997
Things That Went Bump in the Night (and Shook the Earth) Eugene Shoemaker1997
Reflections on a Life in Public Service Alan K. Simpson1997
Virtue, Deed and Word – Confucian Paths to Immortality Tu Weiming1996
Escapism: Another Look at Nature and Culture Yi-Fu Tuan 1996
Tangles, Bangles and Knots John Horton Conway1996
Fractran: A Ridiculous Logical Language John Horton Conway1996
Two Russian Revolutions Yegor Gaidar1996
Five Years of the Democratic Experiment in Russia Yegor Gaidar1996
Anger and Revenge Myles Burnyeat1996
Ancient Freedoms Myles Burnyeat1996
Happiness and Tranquility Myles Burnyeat1996
Reflections of a Former Speaker Thomas Foley1996
Untitled Herbert Stein1996
Untitled Charles Schultze1996
Metaphors of Causation George Lakoff1995
A Servant of Two Masters Robin Donkin1995
Our Universe and Others Martin Rees1995
How Much Cosmology Can We Really Believe? Martin Rees1995
Untitled William Leuchtenberg1995
Awakenings Revisited Oliver Sacks1994
Prehistoric Riverine Settlement in Amazonia: A Revisionist Perspective with Contemporary Implications William Denevan1994
How Decisions Happen in Organizations James March1994
Learning in Organizations John March1994
Photochemistry in an Ordered Universe – Using Light as a Scalpel, and a Crystal as Operating Table John Polanyi1994
The Responsibility of the Scientist in an Age of Science John Polanyi1994
Present Status of the Standard Model in Particle Physics Carlo Rubbia1994
Beyond the Standard Model Carlo Rubbia1994
Naturalism and Dualism in the Study of Language and Mind Noam Chomsky1994
The Separation of Powers during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson Gerhard Casper1994
The Spiderless Web: Exploring the History of Criminal Justice Lawrence M. Friedman1994
Beyond Free Trade to Fair Trade Neil Kinnock1994
Business and Corruption: Framing the Haitian Question Michael Laguerre1994
Population and Practical Reason Amartya Sen1994
Mobile DNA: Ubiquitous and Unusual Genetic Elements Maxine Singer1993
Mobile Genetic Elements in Mammals Maxine Singer1993
Line-1: A Mobile Element in the Human Genome Maxine Singer1993
A Piece of Sunshine Hendrick van de Hulst1993
Far from the Stars – in the Midst of Astronomy Hendrick van de Hulst1993
Comparative Capitalism – The Japanese Difference Chalmers Johnson1993
California Employers Could and Should Apply Rational Economic Principles to Control Health Care Costs Alain Enthoven1992
European Community, International Trade and World Unity Jean-Claude Dischamps1992
California in the World Earl Pomeroy1992
The Imagined Problem of U.S. Isolationism Walter LaFeber1992
The Tocqueville Problem Walter LaFeber1992
Jefferson and the Course of U.S. Foreign Policy Walter LaFeber1992
How Does a Glue Work? Pierre-Gilles de Gennes1992
Ultradivided Matter Pierre-Gilles de Gennes1992
Classical Conditioning: Is There a Cellular Alphabet for Learning? Eric Kandel1992
Sensitization: The Long and Short of Long-Term Memory Eric Kandel1992
Habituation: A Reductionist’s Strategy to the Study of Procedural Learning Eric Kandel1992
Cell and Molecular Biological Approaches to Learning and Memory Eric Kandel1992
The Fractal Geometry of Nature’s Complexity Benoit Mandelbrot1992
Fractals: For the Pleasure of the Mind and the Pleasure of the Eye Benoit Mandelbrot1992
Sauer’s Origins and Dispersals: Its Implications for the Geography of Disease Peter Haggert1992
Sacrifice, Surplus and the Soul Romila Thapar1992
The World Economy after the Cold War C. Fred Bergsten1991
Governing the Marketplace: The American Revolution and the American Corporation Pauline Maier1991
Reconstructing American Political History Barry D. Karl1991
The Body Transparent: What More Can NMR Do For Biology and Medicine? Paul C. Lauterbur1991
Why Did It Take So Long? The Nature and Origins of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Paul C. Lauterbur1991
Heaven Is No Holiday – Eternal Life in the View of the Sufis and of Muhammad Iqbal Annemarie Schimmel1991
There’s More to Trade Than Trade John N. Turner1990
Greenhouse Warming: The Prospects for Collective Action Thomas C. Schelling1990
Cultures Clifford Geertz1990
Countries Clifford Geertz1990
Towns Clifford Geertz1990
Anthropologist Clifford Geertz1990
After the Fact: Indonesia, Morocco and the Recurrent Clifford Geertz1990
Qualitative Reasoning: How We Think Our Way through the Day Herbert Simon1990
Liberal Education: The View From Cognitive Science Herbert Simon1990
Literary Criticism as Cognitive Science Herbert Simon1990
Landscapes Without Llamas: Celebrating a Sauerian Tradition David Lowenthal1990
The Inca Civil War and the Establishment of Spanish Power in Peru John H. Rowe1990
Paradoxes of Women’s Citizenship: Jury Service The Case of the Broken Baseball Bat Linda K. Kerber1989
Paradoxes of Women’s Citizenship: Property The Case of the Confiscated Farm Linda K. Kerber1989
The Fortunes of Some British Mavericks Geoffrey P. Smith1989