Title | Lecturer | Year |
The Making of an International Civil Society | Akira Iriye | 2000 |
Perception, Imagination and Science | Roger N. Shepard | 1999 |
The Grounds of Science and of Ethics | Roger N. Shepard | 1999 |
How the Ears’ Works Work: Auditory Sensory Transduction | A. James Hudspeth | 1999 |
Getting in Tune: Auditory Frequency Selectivity | A. James Hudspeth | 1999 |
The Dappled World | Nancy Cartwright | 1999 |
Invoking the Constitution Ineptly | Abner J. Mikva | 1999 |
The American University: Dinosaur or Dynamo? | Frank H. T. Rhodes | 1999 |
Composing Life after Death | Jonathan Harvey | 1998 |
The Place of Consciousness | Robert Nozick | 1998 |
Sex and Death on the Edge of Europe: Slavonian Demography 1683-1900 | Eugene A. Hammel | 1998 |
‘To Civility and Man’s Use’: History, Geography, and Nature | Ian G. Simmons | 1998 |
Environment, Population, Consumption, and Sustainable Development – The Great Challenges of Our Time | Norman Myers | 1998 |
Tropical Forests: Their Future and Our Future | Norman Myers | 1998 |
Science, a Round Peg in a Square World | Harold Kroto | 1998 |
C60: Buckminsterfullerene, Not Just a Pretty Molecule | Harold Kroto | 1998 |
Failed Visions and Unexpected Adaptations – Reflections on the Interaction of Society and Communications Technology | Robert Lucky | 1998 |
How Will We Connect? – Rethinking the World’s Communications in the Age of the Internet | Robert Lucky | 1998 |
Property and Expropriation: Themes and Variations in American Law | Carol M. Rose | 1998 |
The Origins of American Democracy | Gordon S. Wood | 1998 |
The Origins of American Freedom | Eric Foner | 1998 |
Archaeology, Genetics and Linguistic Diversity: Towards a New Synthesis | Colin Renfrew | 1997 |
The Sapiens Paradox, Or Why Did People Get Smart So Late? | Colin Renfrew | 1997 |
Chicken Little Was Right: The Sky Is Falling | Eugene Shoemaker | 1997 |
Things That Went Bump in the Night (and Shook the Earth) | Eugene Shoemaker | 1997 |
Reflections on a Life in Public Service | Alan K. Simpson | 1997 |
Virtue, Deed and Word – Confucian Paths to Immortality | Tu Weiming | 1996 |
Escapism: Another Look at Nature and Culture | Yi-Fu Tuan | 1996 |
Tangles, Bangles and Knots | John Horton Conway | 1996 |
Fractran: A Ridiculous Logical Language | John Horton Conway | 1996 |
Two Russian Revolutions | Yegor Gaidar | 1996 |
Five Years of the Democratic Experiment in Russia | Yegor Gaidar | 1996 |
Anger and Revenge | Myles Burnyeat | 1996 |
Ancient Freedoms | Myles Burnyeat | 1996 |
Happiness and Tranquility | Myles Burnyeat | 1996 |
Reflections of a Former Speaker | Thomas Foley | 1996 |
Untitled | Herbert Stein | 1996 |
Untitled | Charles Schultze | 1996 |
Metaphors of Causation | George Lakoff | 1995 |
A Servant of Two Masters | Robin Donkin | 1995 |
Our Universe and Others | Martin Rees | 1995 |
How Much Cosmology Can We Really Believe? | Martin Rees | 1995 |
Untitled | William Leuchtenberg | 1995 |
Awakenings Revisited | Oliver Sacks | 1994 |
Prehistoric Riverine Settlement in Amazonia: A Revisionist Perspective with Contemporary Implications | William Denevan | 1994 |
How Decisions Happen in Organizations | James March | 1994 |
Learning in Organizations | John March | 1994 |
Photochemistry in an Ordered Universe – Using Light as a Scalpel, and a Crystal as Operating Table | John Polanyi | 1994 |
The Responsibility of the Scientist in an Age of Science | John Polanyi | 1994 |
Present Status of the Standard Model in Particle Physics | Carlo Rubbia | 1994 |
Beyond the Standard Model | Carlo Rubbia | 1994 |
Naturalism and Dualism in the Study of Language and Mind | Noam Chomsky | 1994 |
The Separation of Powers during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson | Gerhard Casper | 1994 |
The Spiderless Web: Exploring the History of Criminal Justice | Lawrence M. Friedman | 1994 |
Beyond Free Trade to Fair Trade | Neil Kinnock | 1994 |
Business and Corruption: Framing the Haitian Question | Michael Laguerre | 1994 |
Population and Practical Reason | Amartya Sen | 1994 |
Mobile DNA: Ubiquitous and Unusual Genetic Elements | Maxine Singer | 1993 |
Mobile Genetic Elements in Mammals | Maxine Singer | 1993 |
Line-1: A Mobile Element in the Human Genome | Maxine Singer | 1993 |
A Piece of Sunshine | Hendrick van de Hulst | 1993 |
Far from the Stars – in the Midst of Astronomy | Hendrick van de Hulst | 1993 |
Comparative Capitalism – The Japanese Difference | Chalmers Johnson | 1993 |
California Employers Could and Should Apply Rational Economic Principles to Control Health Care Costs | Alain Enthoven | 1992 |
European Community, International Trade and World Unity | Jean-Claude Dischamps | 1992 |
California in the World | Earl Pomeroy | 1992 |
The Imagined Problem of U.S. Isolationism | Walter LaFeber | 1992 |
The Tocqueville Problem | Walter LaFeber | 1992 |
Jefferson and the Course of U.S. Foreign Policy | Walter LaFeber | 1992 |
How Does a Glue Work? | Pierre-Gilles de Gennes | 1992 |
Ultradivided Matter | Pierre-Gilles de Gennes | 1992 |
Classical Conditioning: Is There a Cellular Alphabet for Learning? | Eric Kandel | 1992 |
Sensitization: The Long and Short of Long-Term Memory | Eric Kandel | 1992 |
Habituation: A Reductionist’s Strategy to the Study of Procedural Learning | Eric Kandel | 1992 |
Cell and Molecular Biological Approaches to Learning and Memory | Eric Kandel | 1992 |
The Fractal Geometry of Nature’s Complexity | Benoit Mandelbrot | 1992 |
Fractals: For the Pleasure of the Mind and the Pleasure of the Eye | Benoit Mandelbrot | 1992 |
Sauer’s Origins and Dispersals: Its Implications for the Geography of Disease | Peter Haggert | 1992 |
Sacrifice, Surplus and the Soul | Romila Thapar | 1992 |
The World Economy after the Cold War | C. Fred Bergsten | 1991 |
Governing the Marketplace: The American Revolution and the American Corporation | Pauline Maier | 1991 |
Reconstructing American Political History | Barry D. Karl | 1991 |
The Body Transparent: What More Can NMR Do For Biology and Medicine? | Paul C. Lauterbur | 1991 |
Why Did It Take So Long? The Nature and Origins of Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Paul C. Lauterbur | 1991 |
Heaven Is No Holiday – Eternal Life in the View of the Sufis and of Muhammad Iqbal | Annemarie Schimmel | 1991 |
There’s More to Trade Than Trade | John N. Turner | 1990 |
Greenhouse Warming: The Prospects for Collective Action | Thomas C. Schelling | 1990 |
Cultures | Clifford Geertz | 1990 |
Countries | Clifford Geertz | 1990 |
Towns | Clifford Geertz | 1990 |
Anthropologist | Clifford Geertz | 1990 |
After the Fact: Indonesia, Morocco and the Recurrent | Clifford Geertz | 1990 |
Qualitative Reasoning: How We Think Our Way through the Day | Herbert Simon | 1990 |
Liberal Education: The View From Cognitive Science | Herbert Simon | 1990 |
Literary Criticism as Cognitive Science | Herbert Simon | 1990 |
Landscapes Without Llamas: Celebrating a Sauerian Tradition | David Lowenthal | 1990 |
The Inca Civil War and the Establishment of Spanish Power in Peru | John H. Rowe | 1990 |
Paradoxes of Women’s Citizenship: Jury Service The Case of the Broken Baseball Bat | Linda K. Kerber | 1989 |
Paradoxes of Women’s Citizenship: Property The Case of the Confiscated Farm | Linda K. Kerber | 1989 |
The Fortunes of Some British Mavericks | Geoffrey P. Smith | 1989 |